- inspired by the book "man's search for meaning"
From the moment we got here, right from the start
Separate, segregated, always apart
Hurt, pain, suffering people are dying
What is going on we both are crying
High walls on sides, topped with armed forces
We innocents worked to death, much like horses
Guns, hand grenades and bombs too
People running scared, they don’t know what to do
Our humanity stolen, all sanity forgot
We are butchered, and burned and left to rot
Most people run, most people hide, most people crawl
But slowly these people, they only fall
Families are broken, but some memories sustain
Through all the hardship, through all the pain
The worries and fears that plagued me each day
In the end of it all, it would just fade away
What is the meaning of this dangerous life, I thought
But the loss of companions has only taught
That I have the power to continually make a choice
One which makes my heart rejoice
How much more kindness, and love I can show
Before these butchers, tell me it’s my time to go

This small piece inspired from the book “Man's Search for Meaning” by author Viktor Frankl where he talks about him discovering his meaning of life and his derivation of power through his experiences in the Natzi concentration camps. The book is based on love, hope, responsibility, inner freedom, and the beauty to be found in both nature and art as means that help one endure and overcome harrowing experiences in one's life.