Piku. She is like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. She was also the opposite when people messed with her.
Piku. She was a reflection of responsibility. A daughter who cared maybe too much, maybe loved too much. But a daughter who enjoyed every single moment of it.
Piku. She was the modern day woman who shared her life with her father. The same father who annoyed her to bits, but also the one who brought out the innocence in her.
Piku. She was a self made woman who ran her own business. A woman who took care of her father willingly, and enjoyed her self ever so willingly. And so it was her willingness to sell her ancestral home in Kolkata.
Piku. She is an ever- evolving person of today’s age and time. The one who chooses to be the person she is; naive, independent and grounded at the same time.
Piku. She is an inspiration to many like me, a woman who controls her life while letting her life control her. An angel disguised as a daughter.
Piku. She is a woman who gives me hope to to be who I am, and to willingly make my own choices in life. A person who teaches me, that the bond with family is equally as important as anything else.
Movie: Piku, 2015